So this is a surprise, somehow I have got my little page of utterings onto the list of Top 100 New Zealand Blogs & Websites 2020. Number 39 no less! I am a bit taken aback by this, these little thoughts and wittering’s of mine have only been born through a combination of boredom and a misplaced addition to my email list. We will see how long I can stay on this list, probably until they ask me for money I guess. For now I will bask in the recognition.
I must admit I am really enjoying writing these works, they are taking over my day a bit; but I must confess I am loving it. I am buoyed by the fact those of you reading The Diary of an Isolated Salesman are clearly enjoying it. I don’t know what it is you like, but clearly an Isolated Salesman holds some interest. It’s a massive thank you to all of you for taking a few minutes out of your day to read my considerations and recollections. As long as the ideas keep coming into my head I will keep writing them.
Today is another big day, today is Lola’s two year New Zealand birthday. Lola was the first of us to become resident, also the most expensive! This is one of the first pictures we took of her when we picked her up from quarantine.

Lola In New Zealand Day 1
Now for some work. With the imminent arrival of Level 3 there is a lot of planning in the background as to how the RV Super Centre can operate under these restrictions. Along with a plethora of online meetings, emails, spreadsheets and other documents, it also means there is a lot of customers waiting for their new motorhomes that need to be spoken to. I have a lot to do all of a sudden and a relatively short time to do it in. Busy just how I like it.
As a light interlude from all this we also have our regular update from our CEO. These meeting have been excellent. An honest appraisal of the situation we are all in, what the plan is and how we will implement it. Jacinda has had my vote for the way she has kept us all abreast on what is happening, but Grant has been right up there. Fresh from as positive a spin as is possible in times like this, it’s onto the phones.
By about four o’clock I am running out of steam. Everyone who can be spoken to has been spoken to. All data sheets are up to date. My diary looks a bit of a mess, but I can sort that out another time. I have been inside for too long, it’s a beautiful day and its time I woke my little pup from her laze in the sunshine and took her for a walk.
All refreshed from our walk, I thought I might tell you a little more about our Europe trip. When I last wrote about it; I had just had a bit of a parking mishap and we were heading north into the Alps very much tails between our legs.
When we had left Nice we had thought our travels were over, but after a few days relaxing in the mountains we realised things weren’t so bad. Sure we had a shower curtain where are back window once was, but aside that we were good.
From Nice our original plan had been to drive around the coast to Italy. We hadn’t bothered too much with a road map, as long as the sea was on the right hand side of us we were going the right way. Now we were off-piste, we had to dig out the map. After a bit of study we realised we weren’t too far from Mont Blanc. Just to be clear, we’d seen it often enough; it’s a pretty big mountain. What I mean is the road we were on would take us right through it and into Italy. Not our original route, but the whole trip had always been pretty fluid.
You have to climb a fair way up to the Mont Blanc tunnel entrance and the van didn’t like this much, we had to stop to let the steam from the engine condense back into water before we made the last of the climb. That’s the beauty of old VW’s there is always something to keep you on your toes. Once through the other side we didn’t need to worry about overheating anymore. We had left blistering sunshine to emerge in torrential rain.
The plan was to travel a little further into Italy but the weather was horrendous so the first sign of a campsite we were in for the night.
After a few more days bobbling around we headed towards the lakes. These are spectacular features and a real pleasure to see. Como has got some real rugged beauty, although the drive is pretty nail-biting. We drove up the inside of wishbone, remember we are in a right hand drive car on left hand drive roads. I am looking at the cliff my girlfriend the oncoming and overtaking traffic. The Italians are mental when it comes to driving, whatever is in front of them is a target to be passed and where and when they try to overtake you is anyone’s guess. Oh and if they can’t pass because say its only single lane, the horn is there to remind you that you are still in their way.
We spend a night near Como then head for Lake Garda.
Now remember I said before, if you see someone who looks like they know where they are going, follow them. Well the same is true for campervans. We were just cruising about looking for a way to get down onto the lake road and hopefully find somewhere to park up for the night. When out of know where this little camper shot out in front of us and took the very next left across the traffic and down a small road. I was on him like a shot. It was a bit never raking, because he was going quick; to quick really. That and there is always the worry that he might just be going home, but he looked to me that he had some purpose so we tagged along. Just as we were beginning to think it would come to nothing we pulled on to what was effectively a building site. All nicely terraced out and scattered nicely with motorhomes. We had indeed pulled on to a building site, but after I had chatted to a few of the other campers it became quite apparent that the builders didn’t object to us staying as long as we were away and gone before they returned Monday morning. Should be no bother it was Friday afternoon, we had free camping and from where I managed to get us into you could trough a stone into Lake Garda if you wished. Saluti.

Lake Garda Campling
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