I am a bit late with this post, sorry. Thursday was a busy busy day and in the end I just ran out of day to write my wittering’s.
Yesterday I suffered a bit mentally, but today I am back on form. Calls are flowing, productivity is high. I even secure a few deposits. Today I am loving being an Isolated Salesman. My head is back in the right place, I have a clear plan and I am actioning it.
Even Jacinda’s one o’clock briefing, which I am sure has become part of everyone’s lives right now; offered a little hope. In the great scheme of things, I am not sure Level 3 will feel much different to Level 4. I might be able to go into the business for pre-arranged handovers of vehicles but I guess everything else I can do from home. It’s clear the shop side of the business won’t be able to open normally, but a click and collect facility might be an option. I only speculate, these decisions will be made by more senior members of the team than me. But there is light at the end of the tunnel, all be it just a glimmer.
Lola gets her evening walk. We have been discussing her wellbeing, I know she is getting on a bit. But there should be plenty more go in her for a good few years yet. It’s almost like she is missing her own space now. There was a piece on Seven Sharp which I caught about our pets suffering from anxiety separation. I say I caught, I watch TV by proxy. Whatever the boss has decided to watch is what I have to watch. Anyway, I don’t think Lola will be suffering with any anxiety separation post Lock-Down. I think she is waiting for us to go back to work so she can get back to lazing in the sun without disturbance.
She has become a proper funny little thing. Given the choice she will stay in her bed till about ten ish, then she will have a little potter about the garden, bit of a drink and some breakfast. If I am typing she will stay with me but if I am on the phone, she bogs off back to bed. She even comes to have the occasional little sneaky look. She will peep round the corner at me and it’s almost like she is disappointed that I am still there, so off she goes back to bed. Normally when you come home from work, we are greeted with this rush attack of wagging tail and bouncy dog. When the wife comes back from shift, at best now Lola might get up and peep out the bedroom door. I think she needs her own space.

My favourite Lola pic, about 6 months old
The real reason I had no time to write anything last night, was Thursday night is quiz night. Back in the normal world, we meet up with some friends and attempt the quiz at the local bar. Yogis Bar and Eatery. When all this is over, make sure you support these local business. Types of business like this is what brings the community together and after this is all over it is exactly what we will need.
In light of the bar obviously being shut, a great friend of mine has seen fit to create his own virtual quiz. It’s a combination between a Zoom meeting and Kahoot quiz and it works great. We can all get together, safe in our own little bubbles. Have a drink, a chat and a laugh, interrupted only by the occasional quiz question. We are nowhere near winning; we did have a victory for the Brits against a strong South African contingent on Saturday but that was a fluke. Normally we are mid table mediocrity. No chance of relegation, but absolutely no chance of making the play offs either.
It’s a cracking night, the quiz its self is all over by about nine. But we stay chatting and drinking for a good while after. It is absolutely what we need in situations like this. If you can’t go to your friends, you friends have to come to you; well virtually at least.
I take credit for that photo