I am worried my body clock is changing. I have always been an early to bed early to rise type of guy, but now due to the lack of activity I guess? I am having trouble sleeping. So I’ve taken to staying up later, reading or occasionally watching rubbish on telly. The rest of the household appears the same. I am up and working, Lola has not even showed her face and the wife. Well I guess she has an excuse, she didn’t roll in till about five this morning. So we won’t be seeing much out of her till lunchtime. It’s a funny thing, I am still getting the mental stimulus; between writing this and working, I am probably spending more time at my laptop than ever. It must be the physical excursion I am missing?
Now my sporting days are well behind me. I used to be quite a sporty kid, never really excelling at any one sport but always in the school teams. Played a bit of club rugby, swam at club and county level, I even fluked my way into the county four hundred meter trials once. Like I say never particularly stand out but always there and there about. Fast-forward to the present day and what do I do? In normal times I play golf, quite badly but I love the game. I try to play twice a week, it’s easier in the summer months obviously but even through the winter I can normally manage at least one round a week. Interestingly on the 14th April New Zealand golf moved to the World Handicap System and I dropped nearly three shots off my handicap! This is the single best gain on my golf ever and I haven’t even swung a club!
The question is without my golf and the physical side of my work what am I going to do? What are any of us supposed to do? There must be plenty of others in the same situation? Lola likes a walk; but they have been getting further and further as I try to burn off more energy. Even she now is looking a bit wary when we step out the door. Running is out, I probably couldn’t get out the end of the street without causing myself some mischief. I started doing a few press ups and sit ups each day; but I will be honest I was disappointed with how few I could do. Each day I would add one more to the total and I guess you have to start somewhere but even then it felt embarrassing. So having considered my options very carefully, I will stick with walking the dog and she will have to like it. I am going to aim for Okoromai Bay today.

Okoromai Bay
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